4 Watt NAS with OpenMediaVault (OMV) on Raspberry Pi 2


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Download the latest version of image file for Raspberry Pi:


After the successful download you must unzip this file with 7Zip. It is a * .img file included and this file must copied to a sd card. The copying is carried out with the Win32 disk imager (download http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/ )

Choose the image file from the directory and the drive with the microSD card. Please keep in mind that a wrong ‘device’ deletes the destination drive. A warning is issued.


The copying process is performed with “write”. At the end, the microSD card into the raspberry is inserted pi 2.

First startup

After the raspberry  PI is up with a sd card, the configurations can begin. The IP address is used by DHCP. You must if necessary consult your router/DHCP server and search for the device raspberry pi.

The network configuration is done with the Web page. Here you login with “admin” and change the network configuration. Under network will be on the left side.

Note: Settings are set by default as follows and should be changed for security reasons.

web interface:

– username = admin

– password = openmediavault  (can changed by web site)


– username = root

– password = openmediavault (can changed on Putty with the command “passwd”)

I refer to the extensive configuration options of OMV on the pages of openmediavault.org or Google.

Embed a external HDD as a storage medium

A further storage device is required for the NAS. I have a Samsung S1 mini 120 GB and I could include them during operation via USB. I had formatted the hard disk with EXT4. Here i refer to the documentation of OMV.

I create the directories, shares, users and so on in the next steps. At finish i could access to NAS from my computer with Windows.

Power consumption

I’ve connected the test setup directly with a power meter and thus I could see a consumption at any time.

About 3.2 Watts was displayed when copying large files over the network. For a short time I had 4 Watts as a maximal value. At idle time the NAS consumed about 2.3 Watts. The power consumption can be calculated with this Web page. In the following illustration I made once calculate 24 hour idle (row 2) and 24-hour copy (row 1).



When copying over the network (writing on NAS): 10 MB / s (with smaller file 1 MB / s). I had about 11 MB/s at maximum. This value was very similar at reading from NAS. Here, the 100 Mbit network interface has been optimally utilised.

Test setup

At the end i show a picture of the test setup.
